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S.No.ParticularsFor Public Sector / Institions employeeFor Private Sector / Others
VIP Guest House (AC)
1.VIP Room (AC)1000.002000.00
Guest House
2.AC Room300.00400.00
3.Non AC Room200.00250.00
Bhimsen Choudhary Kisan Ghar
4.AC Room300.00400.00
5.Non AC Room200.00250.00
Vidhya Mandap (Complete)
8.Inner Premises + Hall + Stage + Open Area50000.00100000.00
Semionar Halls (College/Office/Guest House)
9.Semionar Hall - IABM, Bikaner10000.0015000.00
10.Semionar Hall - COA, Bikaner10000.0015000.00
11.Semionar Hall - Museum, Bikaner10000.0015000.00
12.Semionar Hall - DHRD, Bikaner10000.0015000.00
13.Semionar Hall - CCS, Bikaner10000.0015000.00
14.Semionar Hall - CLC, Bikaner15000.0020000.00
15.Semionar Hall - ARS, Bikaner5000.0010000.00
16.Semionar Hall - COA, Sriganganagar5000.0010000.00
17.Hall - Kisan Ghar, Bikaner5000.0010000.00
18.Hall - Guest House, Bikaner5000.0010000.00

General terms and Conditions are as follows:-

  1. User will pay extra charges, if caused any damage.
  2. User will responsible for cleanliness and safety issues, while leaving the premises, falling which additional charges for cleaning and safety have to be paid.
  3. Alcohol drinking will be strictly prohibited in the premises imespective of any type of permission or licence from any agency.
  4. A security, amount of 50% of the charges (only for Vidya Mandap and Seminar Halls) will be deposited by the user at the time of booking which shall be refunded in the user at the end of the event, if no penalty is imposed on him, otherwise security amount will be refunded after deducting the penalty amount imposed on him on account of violation of terms and conditions laid down.
  5. Parking of the vehicles must be strictly restricted to the space provided, in no case along the sides of road congesting the passage.
  6. If user wants to cover or decorate the passage in different, he will seek prior permission of the head of the respective unit.
  7. On the account of violation of terms and conditions Dean may impose penalty on the user which will be charged from security amount.
  8. User may not make any change in permanent fixture or arrangements. This will also include defacing of wall, fixing of the banners, and posters etc. without prior permission of Dean/Unit head in this regards.
  9. If there is any damage to the permanent, property of college. The user will be solely responsible for that and he will get the repair being done to the satisfaction of the incharge.
  10. Decoration, tentage and lighting shall not be allowed from university/college source. For this a separate arrangement of genset shall be required, if unauthorized use of university electricity is found penalty charges shall be imposed as deciced by Administration, which shall be final and binding. No appeal shall be admissible.
  11. Timing of use should be specified to the Security Officer of the University.
  12. Tentage or any other kind of rope support shall not be obtained from college building poles and trees.
  13. It will be sole responsibility of the use of safe guard the material provided by the college as well as his own. The college will not bear any responsibility for any loss.
  14. During the function any illegal activities or any other activities which are prohibited by State/Central Government or by Court of law will not be allowed.

Refund and Cancellation Policy